I am a definite believer that all things you see in your mind are attainable regardless of

how “big” they may seem. The mind is so powerful that it can create vivid and control images in one’s mind; in other words, it can imagine. By imagining or using imagery one is creating images that can translate to reality and, frankly, can become reality. That is, the mind is what the mind is fed (Schwartz, 1959). What you feed your mind will impact and influence your conscious and subconscious thoughts. Therefore, stay focus and devoted on what you want (Grout, 2013). For example, you want love, think love. Do not think how love seems impossible because then you will receive just that – “love is impossible;” therefore, getting no love. Moreover, the power of belief is so potent and there is nothing mystic or magical about that (Schwartz, 1959). Believe, for instance, that “I’m-positive-I-can” and the power, skill, and energy will blossom. Stated differently, believe I-can-do-it and the how-to-do-it develops.
So, what is my point here? My point is that I have trained my mind to stay focus on what I want, which in turn, time and time again, generates the how-to-do-it. Stay focus on the “want” and the “how” will come. Does that make sense? I have set forth my belief in succeeding in my endeavors and I will continue to succeed! One of my many endeavors is to connect with more folks that share similar messages as I do. To this end, I had the great opportunity to be interviewed by @sports_mastery, who is doing great work in his podcast. His podcast focuses on mental toughness, leadership, and character development.
This interview is the start to other avenues to open up, and I am certain of this. Nonetheless, I have the pleasure to finally share the interview between @sports_mastery, host DeShawn, and myself. I had a wonderful time with DeShawn who brings such great energy to the conversation.

In the interview we spoke on the following:
Thoughts > Feelings > Behavior
The idea that one’s thoughts directly influence one's feelings, which then impact one's behavior. In other words, misguided or inappropriate thinking usually leads to negative feelings and poor performance, just as good thinking enables feelings and good performance (McPherson, 2000; Neil, Hanton, & Mellalieu, 2013; Thomas, Maynard, & Hanton, 2007; Van Raalte, Brewer, Lewis, Linder, Wildman, & Kozimor, 1995).
Mental skills being life skills
Importance of self-awareness.
Awareness, the first step to making a change.
Definition: noticing or creating recognition about areas such as what is going on in one’s body and mind, as well as what is going on around you. For example, as a mental skills coach/practitioners to be (my job as I am training as a sport psychology student), is to help clients first become aware of what they are experiencing, and then make positive changes to the way they think and feel, (and yes, how they perform) but first the athlete-client must be able to take note of what is happening internally. For example, an athlete is losing focus at key moments then some sort of refocusing technique might be helpful,for example. If, however, they are not aware of losing focus in the moment, then the refocusing technique won’t actually be useful. Often times, work needs to begin around building the athlete’s own awareness of the way they think and feel in certain moments in their sport experience, and then you can move on to teaching techniques (Cheadle, 2017).
Last thoughts, believe in what you can create. Believe you can make those meaningful connections and bring great success your way, and watch it unfold in front of you!
Let’s continue the conversation. Reach out to me via Instagram @sugeyhealth – I am pretty active on there! :)
Till next time. With so much love, Sugey (“Sue-Hay”).
Cheadle, C. (2017). Lecture week 1 [Word document]. Retrieved from http://nu.blackboard.com/
Grout, P. (2013). E2 . United States: Hay House, Inc.
McPherson, S. L. (2000). Expert-novice differences in planning strategies during collegiate singles tennis competition. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 22, 39-62.
Neil, R., Hanton, S., & Mellalieu, S. D. (2013). Seeing things in a different light: Assessing the effects of a cognitive-behavior intervention upon the further appraisals and performance of golfers. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 25, 106-130.
Schwartz, D. J. (1959). The magic of thinking big. NY, New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Thomas, O., Maynard, I., & Hanton, S. (2007). Intervening with athletes during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice II. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19, 398-418.
Van Raalte, J. L., Brewer, B. W., Lewis, B. P., Linder, D. E., Wildman, G., & Kozimor, J. (1995). Cork! The effects of positive and negative self-talk on dart throwing performance. Journal of Sport Behavior, 18, 50-57.